
Dermaplaning is an exfoliating treatment that removes fine facial hair and up to 3 weeks worth of dead skin cells…

With the use of a surgical blade you can expect to see smoother, brighter, and glowing skin.
By removing the barriers of peach fuzz and dead skin cells, your skincare products will penetrate deeper, maximizing their effectiveness.

*Please note that while Dermaplaning offers remarkable benefits, it may not be suitable for those with active acne or extremely oily skin.

Why we love it..

Removes dead skin cells revealing fresh, smooth, and glowing skin.

Reduces acne breakouts.

Stimulates cell renewal.

Allows skincare products to better penetrate the skin.

Instant glow.

Allows treatments to be more effective as the top layer of dead skin cells is removed.


  • No, there is not!

  • The most common myth, and the answer is absolutely not. With dermaplaning, we are not altering or in any way affecting the root of your hair follicle. With that being said, it is impossible for hair to grow back thicker with dermaplaning.

  • Most clients come every 3-4 weeks for a Dermaplaning facial!

  • Dermaplaning is effective by performing a gentle scraping motion across the skin’s surface. With hair removal such as waxing and threading, most people have the idea that all hair removal is painful, but Dermaplaning is entirely painless. There are of course risks of cuts on the skin, however they are small and very minor as the pressure used for Dermaplaning cannot cause a deep cut. If they do occur, these nicks and scrapes heal within 24-48 hours.