
Using the 2023 HydraFacial Syndeo Skin System, the HydraFacial is a rejuvenating treatment..

Combining deep cleaning, chemical and physical exfoliation, painless extractions and deep hydration with no downtime. During this treatment we will simultaneously exfoliate, extract dirt, oil and debris while infusing super serums filled with antioxidants, peptides and hydrating ingredients for the best skin of your life in under an hour!

Why we love it..

Increases hydration.

Reduces congestion, blackheads, and acne.

Stimulates cell turnover for a healthy, youthful, and glowing complexion.

Maintains your skin health and clarity.

Improves skin texture and pigmentation.


In a rush? in 30 minutes this treatment deeply cleanses, exfoliates, extracts, and hydrates the skin utilizing super serums filled with antioxidants, peptides, and hyaluronic acid.


An invigorating treatment that includes all of the essentials of the Classic HydraFacial while addressing your specific skin concern with a Booster of your choice. This treatment concludes with LED Light Therapy to further reduce the visible signs of aging.


The ultimate GLOW & HydraFacial experience! Includes Dermaplaning, Lymphatic drainage to detoxify the skin & a Booster of your choice, this treatment then concludes with our LED Light therapy to further reduce the visible signs of aging.


  • Avoid excess sweating and heavy makeup application for 24 hours post HydraFacial. You can return to most regular activities immediately after!

  • Unless you are trying to fit a treatment in on your lunch break, we always suggest the Advanced & Platinum HydraFacials. You’ll receive the full glow and benefits out of your treatment with added perks such as a customized skin booster, LED light therapy, lymphatic drainage & dermaplaning.

  • HydraFacial boosters are highly concentrated super serums that are fully customizable to your skins unique needs. HydraFacial. boosters come with the Advanced & Platinum HydraFacial and are available as an add on to the classic!

  • Lymphatic Drainage is used to encourage lymph to circulate waste and toxins to be removed through your lymph nodes. Lymphatic Drainage can be helpful in clients with acne or acne prone skin as it detoxifies the skin and assists in the reduction of inflammation while promoting circulation & skin health.

  • Every 4 weeks is ideal to achieve your best skin possible & maintain your results. Check out our VIP HydraFacial membership for savings & extra perks!



  • Includes:
    - 1 Advanced HydraFacial per month $235/Month

    Other perks:
    10% off medical grade skincare for online & in clinic.
    - Access to VIP exclusive product, service discounts & new treatments.

  • Includes:
    1 Platinum HydraFacial per month $299/Month.

    Other Perks:
    10% off all medical grade skincare for online & in clinic
    - 15% off other service & facial add ons to enhance your results
    - Free Birthday gift (medical grade skincare item)